実は、インスタではアップしていたのに、こちらに書くことをうっかり忘れてしまっていました。。待たせてたらごめんね!カッコは、そのインスタに投稿した内容そのもの!インスタのほうがもっと頻繁に、そして一番最先端に、情報提供したり、何気ない日常乗せたりしているので、よかったらフォローしてみてね(^O^) @wilshirebwack
I have to apologize for not uploading stuff in a while here! Below are the events that haven't been shown up in this blog! The 「」marks are brackets used in Japanese, so when you see those marks below, know that those are the words I wrote in my instagram along with the photos at the time of the event!
You'd probably wanna add me on instagram better than this blog. I give info and upload my exciting days through instagram the most, you'll be able to catch me up faster! @wilshirebwack
A small child and her mother watched me smiling when they passed. They gave me little strength while I struggled feeling a bit shy outside playing. It takes courage, but the the feeling coming after it, was always great.
「MUTUAL CLOCK 2nd gig is in two days. it nervous! We are a unit of Acoustic x Electric guitars and two voices. みゅーちゅあるくろっく、2回目のライブがあと2日。ちょっとだけ緊張してきた。アコギxエレキと2つの声でお送りします (^人^)
5/27 (wed) [Live title: Standing On Your Cloud] 18:30 open, 19:00 start. ¥2000 ticket (drinks not included) 渋谷 七面鳥http://www.7mentyo.com/」
Felt this live was the best we ever did comparing to the past ones. Yet though, there's a lot to do to be where we wanna be.
After that, I played cover songs in bands from my college's band community. I haven't planned any live infos right now yet, but I am thinking of doing it real soon, so wait up. I have some plans, and I'm thinking of a way to do it. Hope you'll like it. (^O^)
ところで、最近ドラムを始めました!その記事は、長いので、次の記事で!New info next page! I started drums hehe. Check out why..!
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