...here comes a new live gig with my friend Joi! Acoustic x Cajon settings. Ask me if you're interested, I might be able to make the tickets cheaper for you. 今度のライブは、友達のじょいさんと!アコギxカホンでお送りします。いきたいなぁって思ったら、私まで!チケット代特別にもっと安くして渡せるかもなので(^人^)
12/2 (wed) 七面鳥(渋谷)http://www.7mentyo.com/accesscontact.html
18:30 open, 19:00 start (act/出順は一番最初、19:00-19:30) adv/door ¥2000/¥2500 (1 drink ¥600)
Friday, November 20, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
"Half Way Rain" now on Soundcloud..
今回出すのはHalf Way Rainの2種類の音源。下にそれぞれの違いを書いたので、良かったらざっと読んでぜひ聴いてみて。聴いてから読むのも全然あり!リンクをクリックするなりコピペして開くなりして聴けます。SoundCloudアカウントもってなくても聴けるはず。。
Finally uploaded.
2 versions of my own song Half Way Rain is now on SoundCloud! You can take a second to skim through my details below and listen. Or vise versa! Click the link or copy and paste them to your network devices. I'm pretty sure you can hear them without an account too..
今回出すのはHalf Way Rainの2種類の音源。下にそれぞれの違いを書いたので、良かったらざっと読んでぜひ聴いてみて。聴いてから読むのも全然あり!リンクをクリックするなりコピペして開くなりして聴けます。SoundCloudアカウントもってなくても聴けるはず。。
Finally uploaded.
2 versions of my own song Half Way Rain is now on SoundCloud! You can take a second to skim through my details below and listen. Or vise versa! Click the link or copy and paste them to your network devices. I'm pretty sure you can hear them without an account too..
P.S. Kevin Hoshino, 中村恭之, Shintaro Yanazaki, Kitabatake Tomoyuki, 本当にありがとう!(^O^) おかげで念願の音源出せたよ!この曲をレコーディングしてわかったのは、音楽は決して、一人の力だけでは本当はできないものだということ。一人でもできなくもないんだろうけど、アイデアをもっと膨らませたり、自分が欲しいと思う音やグルーヴなどを得意とする人や仲いい友達に、一緒にやろうってお願いすることはとても大きなことであり、一人で作るよりももっと大きなものが作れることがわかった。この経験もあって、私はバンドがもしかしたら本当はやりたいのかもしれないと気づいたんだよね。I want to give big credits to Kevin, Yoshiyuki, Yanasan and Kitabasan for helping me out with this! I realized that music isn't just one person making it. It's possible maybe, but if I have friends and people to make something together, sharing ideas and asking for that person who has the kind of groove or technique I want in my song, I get to explore more than when I was alone. This kind of experience always brings me to a conclusion that I may want to actually work in a band, not really solo.
[Detail/説明] (日本語は下のほうにある!)
There's 2 versions: "Half Way Rain" and "Half Way Rain (#2)". There's a meaning to the differences.
[Detail/説明] (日本語は下のほうにある!)
There's 2 versions: "Half Way Rain" and "Half Way Rain (#2)". There's a meaning to the differences.
-The very first upload, named "Half Way Rain", which is the link below, is the actual original of Half Way Rain which I had in my head for a very long time. It's the version that is best expressed in the way I see it in my head while I play the song. Half Way Rain changed it's shape a little bit as I played it in different gigs and collaborate with others, but the frame of it never changed. I wanted to keep that frame as an "Original Ver". I picked up 2 of my close friends from a new band named gloria, and asked them to collaborate in the song with instruments. I personally think they fit really well in this. For example, for the electric guitar by Kevin, he played the guitar as a trial with me in a little session and I loved the sound immediately. Yoshiyuki's drums from his band gloria was a little bit close to what I need in this song, I thought I need to give it a try. Along with that, my friend from my old part time job in a music live restaurant, made time for us to help with reservations of good recording studio and advices to our work.
Check it out below:
Check it out below:
-Then there's the second upload, named "Half Way Rain (#2)", which is featured with my college band circuit member who also contributed to his band Diet Complex. Though this version was made before the above Original ver, this particular version has a different good taste to it that I can't deny. You might want to focus on his electric guitar solo in the middle of the song, and the small detailed sounds. Kitabasan, who helped me with this version did most of the instruments while I did the acoustic guitar and vocals.
Check it below:
まりなの曲Half Way Rainですが、2種類あります。
Check it below:
まりなの曲Half Way Rainですが、2種類あります。
-この2種類の中でも一番私が気に入っていて、頭の中のイメージが良く出ている方が、下のリンクのもの。いろんなところでHalf Way Rainをライブしたりコラボしたりして、もともとのイメージから少し変わったものもありますが、それでも骨組みはずっと最後まで一緒でした。その骨組みをずっと残したくて、もっと強い形に残したくて、このオリジナルバージョンを作る決心を。gloriaという結成して間もないバンドで活動している私の仲良しの友達2人の持っている力が、この曲にすごく合うと思い、誘ってみました。たとえばエレキのケビンは、一回ためしにセッションしたときの音が、まりなすごく気に入って、そのままそれを採用!と声かけました笑。ドラムのよしゆきは、gloriaのほうではたたき方がどこかと洋楽よりのたたき方を持っていて、この曲も邦楽っぽすぎないところから、彼に合うかもしれないと考えました。そして昔の六本木のライブレストランのバイトで一緒だったやなさんにお願いして、レコーディングのディレクションと音源の編集、なかなか普通じゃ予約できない良いレコーディングスタジオの予約を、忙しいのにしてくださいました。
-その次にくるのが"Half Way Rain (#2)". これは、まりなの軽音サークルの先輩のきたばさんと作ったもの。きたばさんはちょっと前まではDiet Complexというバンドでも活躍していて、音源作るのもとてもうまい。こっちの音源のほうが実は早く作られていました。きたばさんのもつ、ジャズっぽいグルーヴがあって、また違った味が楽しめる曲に仕上がっているんではないかと思い、載せました。まりなはアコギとボーカル、きたばさんはその他すべて(音源編集も含めて)作ってくださいました。曲の途中に出てくるきたばさんのエレキのソロや細かい音などはまりなからのおすすめの聴き所!
Expanding my limits...まりな氏、ドラムを始めるなり。

肝心のギターは習わないのという声もあって、確かにと思い、耳コピちゃんとできるようになるコツを聞きたいと思って無料体験レッスンしてきたけど、担当してくれた先生にまりなの曲弾き語りしてみせたら、あなたは独学のほうがいいと言われた。「もうあなたは持ってるから、もうあなたのonly oneの道突き進んじゃっていいんですよ。耳コピも、完全なコピーをするのはソロとかのバック演奏者がやること。アーティストのあなたは、曲を耳コピというよりカバーするつもりで自分なりの弾き方を聴き取りながら作るほうがあってるかもしれません。」と。誰も先生に丸々一曲みせた人はいなかったらしくて、度胸あるとほめてくれた。落ち込み気味だった最近のまりなにとってこれは嬉しすぎて、報告をせざるを得ないなり。(>_<)
I started learning drums.
Started it to help my composition and to feel it. Als because I've started to realize myself in the love of band music. I'll need to know how to play drums etc to communicate more with my future members. Some told me I can just use DTM but I can't use drums on DTM unless I know some skills. the drum teacher says I'll take time to play the way I really want, but it's all up to my effort. Yup, bring them in! I need it.
肝心のギターは習わないのという声もあって、確かにと思い、耳コピちゃんとできるようになるコツを聞きたいと思って無料体験レッスンしてきたけど、担当してくれた先生にまりなの曲弾き語りしてみせたら、あなたは独学のほうがいいと言われた。「もうあなたは持ってるから、もうあなたのonly oneの道突き進んじゃっていいんですよ。耳コピも、完全なコピーをするのはソロとかのバック演奏者がやること。アーティストのあなたは、曲を耳コピというよりカバーするつもりで自分なりの弾き方を聴き取りながら作るほうがあってるかもしれません。」と。誰も先生に丸々一曲みせた人はいなかったらしくて、度胸あるとほめてくれた。落ち込み気味だった最近のまりなにとってこれは嬉しすぎて、報告をせざるを得ないなり。(>_<)
Expanding my limits...
I started learning drums.
Started it to help my composition and to feel it. Als because I've started to realize myself in the love of band music. I'll need to know how to play drums etc to communicate more with my future members. Some told me I can just use DTM but I can't use drums on DTM unless I know some skills. the drum teacher says I'll take time to play the way I really want, but it's all up to my effort. Yup, bring them in! I need it.
Some asked me why i wouldn't learn guitar, and I thought about it, especially because I wanted to know the skills to play the exact song after listening to it. So I took a free trial lesson for guitar, and my teacher asked me to show him my song, which brought him to a thought that I wouldn't need a lesson. "You're the type that learns guitar through your feelings, not by someone giving you orders. if you are to copy a song, it's not really copy, but rather covering it in your own techniques and style, since you are an artist, not a musician that plays behind a solo artist with given instructions." He said no one else he knew played the whole song of their own to him when he asked. I wa worried about myself these days, but his words gave me little hope.
I've been stuck these days to be able to talk about my future when asked. I sway my answer a lot these days. I have dream, but I'm scared someone will frown hearing it. Especially because sometimes many people feel as though office work with suits and ties are normal and safe for living. I'm scared of going home and feeling my mom and dad worried about me. And that's why, I don't have time nagging around. This summer I have to make a difference, as much as I can.
I'm breaking the rules called norm. I wnat to. Wouldn't let someone to stop me..
I'm breaking the rules called norm. I wnat to. Wouldn't let someone to stop me..
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
FLASHBACK: Jotting down past events that weren't uploaded yet
実は、インスタではアップしていたのに、こちらに書くことをうっかり忘れてしまっていました。。待たせてたらごめんね!カッコは、そのインスタに投稿した内容そのもの!インスタのほうがもっと頻繁に、そして一番最先端に、情報提供したり、何気ない日常乗せたりしているので、よかったらフォローしてみてね(^O^) @wilshirebwack
I have to apologize for not uploading stuff in a while here! Below are the events that haven't been shown up in this blog! The 「」marks are brackets used in Japanese, so when you see those marks below, know that those are the words I wrote in my instagram along with the photos at the time of the event!
You'd probably wanna add me on instagram better than this blog. I give info and upload my exciting days through instagram the most, you'll be able to catch me up faster! @wilshirebwack
4/27, 馬車道関内ホールのエントランスを数分間貸してもらって行った路上ライブ。「自分の声が町中に響くの、超気持ちよかった。。。ここで私が止めさせることができた人たちの、時間をも止めさせること、できていたのかな。#tb #Bashamichi #KannaiHall #streetlive #馬車道 #関内ホール前を独り占め It felt so good letting my voice litterary echo through the town... Wonder if I stopped the time of the people who stopped by for me.」
A small child and her mother watched me smiling when they passed. They gave me little strength while I struggled feeling a bit shy outside playing. It takes courage, but the the feeling coming after it, was always great.

「MUTUAL CLOCK 2nd gig is in two days. it nervous! We are a unit of Acoustic x Electric guitars and two voices. みゅーちゅあるくろっく、2回目のライブがあと2日。ちょっとだけ緊張してきた。アコギxエレキと2つの声でお送りします (^人^)
5/27 (wed) [Live title: Standing On Your Cloud] 18:30 open, 19:00 start. ¥2000 ticket (drinks not included) 渋谷 七面鳥http://www.7mentyo.com/」
実は、インスタではアップしていたのに、こちらに書くことをうっかり忘れてしまっていました。。待たせてたらごめんね!カッコは、そのインスタに投稿した内容そのもの!インスタのほうがもっと頻繁に、そして一番最先端に、情報提供したり、何気ない日常乗せたりしているので、よかったらフォローしてみてね(^O^) @wilshirebwack
I have to apologize for not uploading stuff in a while here! Below are the events that haven't been shown up in this blog! The 「」marks are brackets used in Japanese, so when you see those marks below, know that those are the words I wrote in my instagram along with the photos at the time of the event!
You'd probably wanna add me on instagram better than this blog. I give info and upload my exciting days through instagram the most, you'll be able to catch me up faster! @wilshirebwack
A small child and her mother watched me smiling when they passed. They gave me little strength while I struggled feeling a bit shy outside playing. It takes courage, but the the feeling coming after it, was always great.
「MUTUAL CLOCK 2nd gig is in two days. it nervous! We are a unit of Acoustic x Electric guitars and two voices. みゅーちゅあるくろっく、2回目のライブがあと2日。ちょっとだけ緊張してきた。アコギxエレキと2つの声でお送りします (^人^)
5/27 (wed) [Live title: Standing On Your Cloud] 18:30 open, 19:00 start. ¥2000 ticket (drinks not included) 渋谷 七面鳥http://www.7mentyo.com/」
Felt this live was the best we ever did comparing to the past ones. Yet though, there's a lot to do to be where we wanna be.
After that, I played cover songs in bands from my college's band community. I haven't planned any live infos right now yet, but I am thinking of doing it real soon, so wait up. I have some plans, and I'm thinking of a way to do it. Hope you'll like it. (^O^)
ところで、最近ドラムを始めました!その記事は、長いので、次の記事で!New info next page! I started drums hehe. Check out why..!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
March 25th, 2015: Live at Shimokitazawa Loft!
ライブがまた迫ってきます!今度はまた下北沢ロフトで行います。New live gig coming up! It's at Shimkitazawa Loft once again.
3/25 下北沢ロフトhttp://www.shimokitazawa-loft.com/live/page006.html [40 min live] ¥1500 ticket (with 1 free drink!), 18:30 open, 19:00 start, 19:40 act (出番)
3/25 下北沢ロフトhttp://www.shimokitazawa-loft.com/live/page006.html [40 min live] ¥1500 ticket (with 1 free drink!), 18:30 open, 19:00 start, 19:40 act (出番)
このライブの後は、しばらくはあまりブッキングライブを頻繁にしなくなります。なんでかっていうと、もっと自分の音楽に磨きを入れたいと思ったからです(>_<) 1年に3,4回できるくらいかな?でもその代りに、もっとyoutubeやsoundcloudで曲やビデオを配信できるようにします。自分の音楽をもっと自分のやりたいものに近づけさせて、たくさんの人に楽しんでもらえるように頑張ります!
After this live gig, I wouldn't be booking livehouses so much as before. I'd perhaps book about 3 or 4 live gigs in a year. It's because I wanted to take more time on my music and the making of it. (>_<) Instead though, I'll be putting more efforts on Youtube and soundcloud! I need to bring my music nearer to how exactly I wanted to express, and let it be heard to a much bigger audience than now.
When I was about 7 years old? I think!
That's my brother's toy guitar ;)
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Check "Half Way Rain" now on youtube!
New original, "Half Way Rain" is now on youtube! Check it out! 新曲のHalf Way Rainをyoutubeに投稿しました。チェックしてみてね!
2/24 (Tues) Club Roots! 高円寺 http://www.muribushi.jp/about/index.html 18:30 open, 19:00 starting, 30min live. ¥1200 (You can buy the tickets at the live house)
My brother directed and edited this video.
A better quality version with other instruments like drums etc are coming up in a form of mp3 or something alike! So wait for me! ;)
Another live gig is coming up in February. Getting ready to set up for that. Read the info below if you wanna come watch me!
2/24 (Tues) Club Roots! 高円寺 http://www.muribushi.jp/about/index.html 18:30 open, 19:00 starting, 30min live. ¥1200 (You can buy the tickets at the live house)
2/24 (Tues) Club Roots! 高円寺 http://www.muribushi.jp/about/index.html 18:30 open, 19:00 starting, 30min live. ¥1200 (You can buy the tickets at the live house)
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