Friday, November 17, 2017

Vancouver, Canada Tour

We are coming to Vancouver Canada to play our music—from Jan.15th to Jan.25th.2018. 
In the streets, bars and venues we may roam. 🍁🦌🍁

More details coming soon. 

Sunday, November 12, 2017

'Throw It All Away' live video now on YOUTUBE

Good evening folks!
A live video of 'Throw It All Away' from Marina's solo gig on March 31st, is now up on youtube. 
Big hug to my brother Yuki Yamamoto who edited this at midnight. 

大好評のこの曲、'Throw It All Away'. 3/31のMarina ソロライブでのものを、youtubeにあげてみましたよ。

Saturday, July 8, 2017

8/27 Opening Act for: spLinkLer

Playing for our dear friends spLinkLer ( on August 27th:
来月8/27に、いつも仲良くしてもらっているspLinkLer (のワンマンライブのオープニングアクトとして出ます:

8/27 (sun). 七面鳥 渋谷
17:30 open, 18:00 start. (Mutual Clock: 18:00~18:30)

  • 予約/reservation¥2500. (こちらのメールにご予約ください/E-mail here for reservations:
  • 当日券/without reservations¥3000. 

※There will also be some discounts for students of any kind, so please don't forget your student ID!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Live on July 5th, 2017

We're going live on July 5th, at the usual acoustic room in Shibuya.
Mutual Clockは来週7月5日にいつものアコースティックな箱でライブ。

7/5 (Wed). 渋谷 七面鳥
19:00 open, 19:30 start. Mutual Clock will be on show from 20:05!
¥2000 ticket.

さらに。Mutual Clockのfacebookも作ったのでチェックしてみてね!ビデオや情報をさらに載せていきます:
Above is the link for our Facebook page. Many updates and videos will be up on it, so check them up!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Mutual Clock gig: 4/3, and 4/20

Mutual Clock will have its next gig on 4/3 and 4/20.
Mutual Clockの次のライブは4/3と4/20!もうすぐ。 

18:00 open, 18:30 start. (Mutual Clock from: 18:30-19:00)
¥2500 ticket.
お友達のバンドのCDレコ発のライブのゲストとして出ます。Will be playing as a guest for the celebration of new CD recordings of our friend's band. 

19:00 open, 19:30 start. (Mutual Clock from: 21:30-22:00.)
¥2600 ticket.
オルタナティブロックのバンドたちを集めた夜になります。初めてトリをやらせていただきます。A night of four Alternative Rock bands, including us. We will be playing the last role for the first time.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Solo live gig coming up on March 31st

Marina Solo Live Gig

3/31 渋谷 七面鳥
 18:30 open, 19:00 start. Marinaの出番は19:00-19:45.
¥2400 ticket (+¥600 drink ticket)




また、Mutual Clockも4/3, 4/20にライブを控えてます。詳細はこちら

Marina's solo live gig is coming up on March 31st!

It's been about 2 years since the last solo gig...For all these months and years, I have been exploring the style and taste of music that I really like, and that I really want to dive in to. 

I'm very happy to get the chance to formulate the passion I have developed, and to illustrate my evolution through music toward you on 3/31.

This will be the longest gig I have done as solo in my life yet, 45 minutes. Do come and watch my new elements. (^v^)
Mutual Clock will also have gigs on April 3rd and April 20th! Click here for more info!

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Supersonic cover FULL ver. now on YouTube

The FULL version of Supersonic cover done by my solo style, is up on YouTube now.

Thank you for many requests and voices for this!

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Throwback videos, from vol.1~

I'm going to start posting short teaser videos of my music activities (mostly from live gigs in the past). They will be named from vol.1 and beyond. 

Click on the page "Throwback videos", which is right next to this "-News-" page. 
It will be updated with new videos each time, so don't forget to check them out!

If you have any requests for a longer video, tell me!
For more accurate updates, connect to my instagram: wilshirebwack


この「-News-」ページの隣にある「Throwback videos」ページで見られます。毎回新しいのが足されていくので、チェックしてみてね!

ビデオはインスタグラムから持ってきています: wilshirebwack

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

UPCOMING GIGS: Solos, Bands, and our unit band Mutual Clock

あけましておめでとうございます!どうぞ今年もまりなとMutual Clockをよろしくお願いします。



Happy new year!! We hope your precious time become more and more special with our upcoming gigs!

And so. Below are our busy live gig schedules for the beginning of 2017.. 
Putting all my efforts in them. Please have a look!
I'm planning to do solo gigs as well as a band gig with my two friends from school and Kevin from Mutual Clock! 

[Acoustic solo]

[Mutual Clock]

[Band: Joi/Miya/Kevin/Marina]