Friday, December 2, 2016

12/9 live gig: TWIST AND SHOUT vol.2

Next live gig coming up in 12/9 at Shibuya! We named this event 'Twist and Shout', coming from The Beatles.
3 more bands with influence from abroad music will be coming to join us for the show!
Info are below! 
次のMutual Clockのライブは12/9! 渋谷の七面鳥にまたお世話になります。Twist and Shout2回目の企画です!私たち含めて4つバンドが出るのかな。

December 9, Friday: TWIST AND SHOUT vol.2 
19:00 start, 19:30 open. Mutual Clock--> 20:10~20:40
2400 yen ticket, (plus 600 yen drink ticket). チケット代の値段交渉あり。お気軽にご相談ください!