Friday, December 2, 2016

12/9 live gig: TWIST AND SHOUT vol.2

Next live gig coming up in 12/9 at Shibuya! We named this event 'Twist and Shout', coming from The Beatles.
3 more bands with influence from abroad music will be coming to join us for the show!
Info are below! 
次のMutual Clockのライブは12/9! 渋谷の七面鳥にまたお世話になります。Twist and Shout2回目の企画です!私たち含めて4つバンドが出るのかな。

December 9, Friday: TWIST AND SHOUT vol.2 
19:00 start, 19:30 open. Mutual Clock--> 20:10~20:40
2400 yen ticket, (plus 600 yen drink ticket). チケット代の値段交渉あり。お気軽にご相談ください!

Friday, October 7, 2016

October 8th 2016: 'Mutual Clock' live gig in Shibuya

Hi! Here comes another announcement for my unit band activity;

My unit band 'Mutual Clock' is going to have another live gig tomorrow October 8th, in Shibuya! Come stop by!

This time, we get to share our time table with my favorite band called 'aoshigure' あおしぐれ. They are very unique, and exquisite. Check them out here:

Info for tomorrow are below;

10/8 sat. 七面鳥 渋谷
Ticket: 2400 yen + 600 yen (1 drink)
Time table:
19:00-19:30 spLinkLer
19:40-20:10 Mutual Clock
20:20-21:00 Canaria
21:20-22:00 あおしぐれ (my recommended band!)

明日、ユニットのMutual Clockでライブしてきます!
10/8 Sat. 七面鳥 渋谷
Ticket: 2400 円+600円(1 drink)
Time Table: 
19:00-19:30 spLinkLer
19:40-20:10 Mutual Clock (まりなの)
20:20-21:00 Canaria
21:20-22:00 あおしぐれ (まりなおすすめ)

Friday, May 13, 2016

New song "Throw it All Away" uploaded on Soundcloud!

(Long time no see! (> <) Sorry for not uploading my info for a long time...I have a lot to catch up, but let's go my very newest info first, shall we? お久しぶりです。笑 しばらくアップしてなかった情報など記録すべきもたくさんあるのですが、まずはじめに一番最新の情報から書きます!後日、ほかのことについても記録します!)
-"Throw it All Away" now on Soundcloud!-

Another new song is done! I call this one "Throw it All Away". It will mean a lot to me if you'd take a listen to this new one I carefully, carefully composed.

You can listen to it by clicking on the link! No need for a soundcloud account. Try it on your computer if your iphone etc won't work.
And I recommend you to use headphones or earphones for this one! It will sound much more comfortable. (> <)

As a part time job, I work in a steak and bread restaurant (mmh...yeah!) and my friend there is also working hard as an actor/director of movies. He is currently making his original movie, which he invited me and requested for a song to be used in it. This, is that song!
新しいものができた!Throw it All Awayと名付けます。この子を聴いてみてほしい。


