So here comes my 3rd solo live, and my first live with MUTUAL CLOCK!!!
Details for the solo live would be;
12/11 (Thursday) at Club Roots! 高円寺(Kouenji), opening at 18:30, starting at 19:00. ¥1800 to enter!
Introduction to my new unit band, MUTUAL CLOCK;
this is a unit band formed in the late May of 2014 , by me and my unit mate Kevin. We both do the vocals and guitar. We create and cover songs. With Kevin's rock n' roll taste and my rock/pop music insight, we combine our different music perceptions together, and make unity within music. What's mutual for us is the passion toward music, our strong ambition with music, and most of all, our shared time together. MUTUAL CLOCK will be our sub-activity, since we both have our main activity with music (I'm with solo project and he's with his band), but we will not fade out our efforts in the music for MUTUAL CLOCK regardless of how busy we are!
Our first live is here;
12/18 (Thursday) at 下北沢ロフト(Shimokitazawa Loft), opening at 18:30, starting at 19:00. ¥1500 to enter!